Wednesday, May 7, 2008


My dear husband has been trying so hard to make me good meals and help me do this diet. Yesterday I sent him to Marlene's Market, a whole foods store in our area, so that he could get some Grapefruit Seed Extract to help Carlie, my daughter, and I get over thrush. While he was there and I called him to tell him to pick up Brown Rice Tortillas that I seen on their website in the Gluten Free Section. He came home and was so proud of himself that he gotten this for me. The price was even great, under $3. Well, today, after the excitement wore off, I looked at the package. It is wheat tortillas. Oh no! (as my son would say) At least he tried to make me happy. I hope he enjoys them, as he is the only one eating wheat in the house at this time. I guess next time I will go to the store and try to get it on my own.

Two side notes.
1. My beautiful little girl is a month. If you want to see how well she is growing, you can check out our family blog. She is free of most allergens and loving life if we could just get rid of this evil thrush.

2. I called Bob's Red Mill yesterday. Still no Gluten Free Rolled Oats. They said to wait another 3 weeks. I doubt it will be available then either. I am so bummed.

1 comment:

Think With Your Taste Buds - Chicken said...

I've run across several Gluten free sites in the cooking and dining section. I'm sorry I can't give you their names, I just remember seeing them.