Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Bye bye Soy

My sweet girl is projectile throwing up. This is so hard to watch. It really does fly, like a foot or two. It has gotten worse the last few days except for taking a 36hour break but it has now returned. The doctor thought it was something surgical, which you can read about on our family blog, but the ultrasound came back negative. The doctor and I decided that I would cut soy. After the negative ultrasound, the doctor's comment was to be "more careful with my diet". My question is, how much more careful can I be???

Therefore, I am going to journal my food, her feeding times, and her spitting up. I am also going to make sure she is fed with at least 2 hours between feeds except for her evening cluster feeds as that gets us a full night of sleep. I hope we find a pattern. I think the issue is over supply for me but I would love to figure this out.

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