Thursday, May 29, 2008

GF Rolled Oats

We went down to Oregon last weekend for the holiday weekend. Things went very well. We were not traveling during the day, so meals were not an issue. We did have a play date with our friends and they made a wonderful meal of hot dogs and hamburgers plus lots of fruits and vegetables. I love friends who understand and care about the precautions you need to take with an allergy family. Plus, my in laws have been wonderful about the allergies and were always making sure I could eat everything. They even made me my favorite brownies, The Craving Places Ooey Gooey Chewy Brownie Mix for our family get together. Plus my sister in law had the most wonderful fruit salad, but Peter could not have it because it had berries (I had not had a chance to tell her that he can't have them). Peter had lots of melon though, lots and lots of it.

On top of all of the wonderful family and friend time, we got to go to Bob's Red Mill in Milwaukie, Oregon. I just love going there because they have so many wonderful flours. We had to stock up on all of our favorite gluten free flours. My extra special treat was when we were walking in the door, my husband looked in the window and saw GF Rolled Oats!!! I was so excited. I have been wanting to make oatmeal cookies and they had been out of these for a very long time. They had a contamination issue that stopped processing for quite a while. They don't even have them back up on the website but I got my hands on some. Now I just need to take the time to cook!

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