Friday, June 6, 2008

GF Rolled Oats

I love Quaker Oats Oatmeal but I have learned today that real rolled oats taste nothing like that. Real rolled oats from Bob's Red Mill are thicker and tougher to chew through. I think they will be wonderful but will have to take some getting use to after all of my years of Quaker Oats. Some of the great benefits through are 4 grams of fiber and only 3 weight watcher points. I added just a bit of maple syrup to them for sweetness. I am very mixed on the idea of having them daily. They were cooked in the microwave and maybe that is my problem. I guess I should cook them on the stove tomorrow to see if they are better. Time will tell if this is the kind of oatmeal I want to eat but at least I know I have the ingredients for some yummy cookies.

On a side note, still no success at trying to get Peter to drink cow's milk. I snuck 2oz. of skim milk into his sippy today and he would not drink it. I have a call into the doctor's office to see if they have any ideas.

1 comment:

veggiemama said...

Hi I just found your blog. My daughter is 15 months and she has allergies too. She has really bad rashes. I am on a restricted diet as well because she is breastfeeding. It is hard dealing with it, but I know we will come through. I like your blog.. just wanted to say hi.