Sunday, April 13, 2008

Why? The question always asked.

The last 10 days has been very interesting. My daughter was born on April 3 at 1:44pm. She was 9lbs. 1oz. and 22 inches long. Yes I did say 9lbs. 1oz. and that was on an allergen free diet. Here is the best part, I have lost almost all of the baby weight by just having her. I have 2 lbs. left to lose. Isn't that insane? How did that happen? It truly is the diet that I am doing. It is all about healthy eating. Everyone though ask me, "WHY?" They want to know why I would be insane and do this kind of diet. I got that question so many times in the hospital, it was insane.

The answer: By cutting out these allergens, I hope to not have to deal with a very fussy, "colicky" baby. (By the way, I do not believe in colic!!!) I am breastfeeding and will continue to breastfeed until my child and I decide together that we need to stop. Everything that goes through me, goes into her. By cutting out these allergens, I will get to know my daughter as she is rather then how she may feel horrible because of what I ate. This is the experience that I had with my son. He was considered "colicky" when the reality was, he was allergic to milk and I loved to eat dairy.

So far, it seems to be working. I have a sweet girl that actually sleeps and has only been fussy three times in 10 days! She is a dream for me. I don't know how to deal with such a pleasant baby after my experience with my son but I truly am loving it! Plus, I can almost wear my non-maternity clothes.

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